Firefox and the Tale of a Dark KDE Color Scheme

I was tired of the default Oxygen Color Scheme, it’s too bright when working at night :) So I went to the system settings of KDE and switched to ‘Obsidian Coast’, which is a dark Color Scheme that looks really nice. However this change has an impact on non-KDE applications like Firefox and Gimp as well.

Firefox’s location bar looks something like this when using a dark KDE Color Scheme:


I want to show you what to do for the location bar to look like this again:


There are several option to change Firefox’s appearance:

  • Create a file in ~/.mozilla/firefox/XXXXXX.default/chrome/userContent.css and define the default colors there.
  • Remove files with the name ~/.gtkrc* every time you log into KDE.

The best option is in my opinion:

  • Go to System Settings > Application Appearance > Gtk Configuration.
  • Under GTK Themes select for example Clearlooks as GTK2 Theme. Do not use oxygen-gtk, which causes the problem with the location bar.

In openSUSE you’ll find these GTK Themes with:

$ zypper search gtk2-themes

You don’t want to install: gtk2-theme-oxygen


Support for openSUSE 11.3 ends soon

The official support for the openSUSE version 11.3 will end in January 2012. That means there will be no more updates for this openSUSE version. Its not clear if openSUSE 11.3 will become an Evergreen-project like 11.1 and 11.2.

I am currently using version 11.3 and I think I will skip 11.4 and upgrade directly to 12.1 because this new version has some exciting new features like ownCloud, the kernel version 3.1, the new file system BTRFS and with Snapper you have the ability to create snapshots of your files.

Source: Pro-Linux

First impression of SUSE Studio

I wanted to check out SUSE Studio for some time now, and today was the day when I build my first operating system with SUSE Studio!

Check out SUSE Studio

What is SUSE Studio? In just a few words: it’s a BUILD System where you can create your own OS, based on SUSE or openSUSE. You can test your system and download it in different formats like Live CD/DVD as .iso or as a virtual machine.

You need to choose a openSUSE or SUSE version as base, and a desktop environment. Then you can add repositories and software you want to include in your OS.

My first impression is, that SUSE Studio is something you need to check out because you can build and test you own OS in your browser! However I would like to have some more choices, like when you choose your base system.